Q: Why don’t you always blur people’s names?

A: A few reasons:

  • It can make chat logs confusing
  • If someone says something hilarious, they ought to get credit for it
  • Accountability (people should be aware of what they say in public places like zone chat)
  • It adds some fun continuity to see the same people popping up again and again
  • bash.org didn’t hide names

That being said, there are some situations in which you should consider hiding names. Guild chat isn’t really “public” and to avoid potential guild drama or embarrassment hiding the names of both the players and the guild can be a good idea. Party and whispers are a different matter; use your discretion in those cases. A party of longtime friends is more “private” and a PUG is practically as public as zone chat. Just use your best judgment.

Q: Why don’t you watermark your images?

A: They’re not really “ours” as in we aren’t claiming ownership of them. Everything here is submitted by readers. People could have easily grabbed something off Imgur and we’d have no way of knowing. Besides, if we set up an automatic watermark, there’s always a chance it could screw with images in unforeseen ways, like covering a relevant part of the chat.

Q: Why don’t posts say who submitted them?

A: See above answer. The emphasis is on the posts themselves, not who submitted them. Besides, we felt that keeping it anonymous would be a good idea.

Q: Some of these are lame and they SUCK and I hate them.

A: Show it with your vote. We accept (nearly) all submissions, it’s up to our readers to decide which ones are good.

Q: Do you take posts down?

A: Only if absolutely necessary.